Planning and engineering activites

Project documentation of water buildings

Project documentation for water and sewage networks, connections, sewage pits, cesspools, septic tanks, booster pump stations, culverts, area drainage and other water management constructions for planning inquiry, building permission, final building approval, or as general development plans or studies.

 Engineering activities in capital construction

Securing and provision of all necessary documents, papers, approvals, reports, experts’ statements or decisions from public or non-public organizations for all kinds of capital construction procedures.

 Elaboration of price budgets for constructions

Elaboration of price budgets, calculations or costs, for various water management constructions and works using special computer software

 Environmental consulting
  • Environmental consulting
  • Ecology
  • Water management
  • Waste management
  • Landscape forming
  • etc.
  • Laws, regulations, standards, lectures, consultations, workshops, …